Home > Humor, Science, Technology > Blu Cigarettes Pack Where Technology meets Flavor.

Blu Cigarettes Pack Where Technology meets Flavor.

The perfect smoke after sex with a japanese robot

The perfect smoke after sex with a japanese robot

Technology and Cigarettes mixed into one package, finally the cigarette for the computer nerd.  I haven’t had a Cigarette in over a year, but seeing this just makes me want to give it a try again.  This thing looks so ridiculous though that I feel that I need to try it out, this isn’t even a nicotine urge but more of techno junky urge.


No smoke, tar, smell, or that yellow crap that gets on your teeth or fingers.

Get nicotine in you clean and efficient.

It comes in multitude of flavors.

Cartridges cost is cheaper than traditional cigarettes.

You can charge the cigarettes right from the USB ports

No Second hand smoke.

They even come with non nicotine packs.  Why anyone would suck on this with out the nicotine is beyond me.

They even come with non nicotine packs. Why anyone would suck on this with out the nicotine is beyond me.


It looks like you are smoking a flashlight.

You have to charge the cigarette up before using.

Take 2 hours to charge battery. (Not good for chain smokers)

1-2 weeks of shipping for more cartridges.

May not be the ideal type of cigarette if you can’t find an outlet.

You can’t blow smoke into people’s faces you don’t like.

Is your computer being pressured into smoking?

Is your computer being pressured into smoking?

Coming from someone that smoked and loves new technology this sounds interesting and if I had the money I would actually try it out.  I would pry end up smoking more since money was always the problem before.

Final judgment on this product, If you someone who likes to smoke and hates all the bad stuff that goes along with it I would look into it, just be warned you will be asked by people surrounding you, why you have a battery in your mouth


If you are someone who is looking into saving money, try rolling your own cigarettes.

Categories: Humor, Science, Technology
  1. October 7, 2009 at 5:50 pm

    That is really odd. I’m not a smoker, but I see how this could really catch on, especially if this is cheaper as you state it is.

  2. October 7, 2009 at 8:02 pm

    I really like this concept as a way of clearing up secon hand smoke as an issue. Though this will mean the end of Noir films as we know it.

  3. 5yphon
    October 7, 2009 at 10:16 pm

    I will take the 2GB version please!

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